About Beat

We build success stories. We build the leading audiobook and ebook subscription apps for publishers and the wider publishing industry. We are the pulse within Fabel (Norway), Skoobe (Germany), Audiotribe (Romania), Fluister (Netherlands), AkooBooks (Africa), JukeBooks (Greece), Legible (Canada), Gardners (UK), Pegasas (Lithuania) and Rahva Raamat (Estonia).
With Skoobe being so well established and successful in the ebook subscription market in Germany, and Beat Technology’s expertise and experience in audiobook streaming it made perfect sense to partner with each other to create a dual-format platform. Our two teams have worked side-by-side to integrate Beat’s audio SDK into Skoobe’s existing environment to provide a seamless experience for German customers.Julian Wahl, Skoobe
Since the very conception of Fabel, Beat has helped us grow at an incredible rate, capturing market share rapidly and securing a strong revenue stream in a volatile market. They’ve delivered an ongoing best-in-class experience for our large listener base putting Fabel at the top of audiobook services in Europe.Ann-Kristin Vasseljen, Fabel
The audiobook market was virtually non-existent in Romania when we started talks with BEAT to create Echo, what is now the first audiobook platform in Romania. In BEAT we found a partner with great expertise and insight in developing an audiobook business, who provided us quickly with a user-friendly, customizable platform so that we can deliver a truly 360 degree experience for our audience.Ana Nicolau, AudioTribe